When I turned 17 , I was in high school and I wanted to get into architecture school , I had baccalureate exam , So , I worked hard inorder to catch it , and finally , I was so happy because I got into Blida architecture institute , by the way , I'm from Algeria , so I though life gave me a gift , then boom
When reality faces expectation , you will be chocked , yes indeed , I was in the hardest speciality in the world , and it wasn't easy to architecture student in Algeria -so that you can understand me - schedule was so full , many projects at a time , teachers say that you schould work hard but it wasn't hard enough , never enough , everyone was quitting school , they gave up ... it was like a project runway nominies ,
Why am I here ? I asked myself , I was about to quit when I recognized that I won't give up , because it's a coloured speciality , yes it was hard , but it was a delicious pain , everyone is quitting , everyone is giving up , so I decided to create my own new life style , because architecture is not just a study , not just a school , it's an entire life
Now when I'm 21 , it's still hard , it's still difficult , but I'm still there , I won't abandon it because I developped my own life hacks in this school , architecture teached me how to stand still , how to be a stronger version of me , how to bluild myself before I bwild constructions , how to design my soul before I design homes or cities , so follow me so that I can give you my little secrets